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Petermorris2001's Shop

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Everything in the shop is a pound cheaper than in Poundland.




Everything in the shop is a pound cheaper than in Poundland.
Verben im Imperfekt - Gap-fill

Verben im Imperfekt - Gap-fill

Two authentic stories from the German press form the basis of this interactive gap-fill activity. Pupils drag and drop verbs in the Imperfect Teses into the gaps to complete the texts..
Pour ou contre les fast-foods

Pour ou contre les fast-foods

Short text, adapted from an authentic source, in which young French speakers discuss fast-food. The stimulus text is followed by comprehension and manipulation exercises, a bit of grammar and a writing task.
La Torche Olympique

La Torche Olympique

HIGHER level reading text about the Olympic Torch, a factory in Coventry, Didier Drogba's surprise role in the relay, plus a bit of symbolism. The text is followed by questions in English, a 'find the phrase' exercise picking out the different tenses in the text, an 'adapt the phrase' exercise and a writing task. NB The opening statement about the torch having arrived in England won't be true until the 17th of May. Edit the text if you use it before.
Wie komme ich am Besten ... ?

Wie komme ich am Besten ... ?

Practise of key language relating to asking directions, followed by a playscript, in which Britney Spears asks the characters from Scooby Doo for directions. The location of the station remains a mystery.
Das Wunder von Bern : Charakterbeschreibung

Das Wunder von Bern : Charakterbeschreibung

A speaking (and possibly writing) activity in which students must use on-screen support to generate sentences about key characters in the film. The first page on the slide acts as a homepage, hyperlinking students to hidden photos of the characters.
KS4 German - What job is it?

KS4 German - What job is it?

Powepoint for practising jobs and careers. Pupils are shown a severely cropped image os someone at work, from which they have to identify the job. A click reveals the full image and another click reveals the German word. (This is an expanded version of something I uploaded previously.)
FRENCH : Football Vocab Workout

FRENCH : Football Vocab Workout

Interactive drag and drop exercise. There are 100 different football words and phrases programmed into the game. The program will select ten items at random and shuffle the order of the items each time the game is opened. With luck, it will just about never be the same game twice. Will work on IW or PC.


2 texts in which teenagers talk about their free time. The first text is followed by richtig / falsch / nicht im Text questions, and the second text is followed by open questions in German.
Si j’étais le directeur / la directrice du collège

Si j’étais le directeur / la directrice du collège

Higher Level text about changes pupils would introduce to their school experience if they were in charge. Text is followed by a ' find the phrase' exercise focusing on the Conditional, a table showing the formation of the Condtional, a manipulation exercise, and a writing task. PS Typo in the rubric for Ex C spotted and now fixed.